For the second week in a row, I'm going to tell you lovies about a CD that has been out for a while, since August of last year to be exact. So it's not exactly new-new, but hey roll with me. A Fine Frenzy may be to you a little known band, but to others that have heard of them and are fans of adult alternative, this band is probably in heavy rotation on their ipods. A Fine Frenzy consists of an amazing vocalist and an even more amazing band that gives their music an uncommon sound; nothing wrong with different. It's not everyday we hear a vocalist quite like Alison Sudol and the lyrics she comes up with on each of her CD's are amazing. A Fine Frenzy's first album One Cell in The Sea always reminds me, personally, of teenage agnst (sue me, I'm fresh out my teenage years), but their sophomore album Bomb in a Birdcage is definitely a more mature sound and has a bit less of a serious note to it.
There are many amazing songs on this particular album, but today I'm going to share with you three of my favorite; maybe four if you're lucky. ;)
The first up off Bomb in a Birdcage is "Happier." Ever hear a slow/sad song about breaking up? Well A Fine Frenzy and Alison Sudol have taken the opposite route and created an upbeat breakup song. Pretty neat if I do say so myself. Check it out:
(unfortunately, the embedding option is disabled on the official videos for all of these).
Another one of my personal favorites off this CD is "Blow Away."
This song most definitely makes me think of vacation and peaceful, happy times. A definite summer song to add to your playlist.
My third favorite from this album would have to be, "Electric Twist." It's upbeat as well, which is so different for AFF; it's much appreciated though. Have a listen:
Lastly, since I can't resist, I'm including a fourth favorite song from this album entitled "Stood Up." It seems very rebelesque (not a word, but a band I know. But I'm using it as a word) and has a definite head nodding aspect to it:
Loving this band? Never heard of them before and interested in purchasing one or both of their CDs? Check them out here: One Cell in the Sea
Have an awesome Monday and cheers to new music!
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