Friday, October 29, 2010

Book Review Friday!

Agh, so when I'm at work and I'm done with all my assignments for the day I always turn to whatever book I'm reading that week to keep my mind occupied and whoa nelly did Torment by Lauren Kate keep my occupied.

From the beginning of Torment, we are thrown back into Luce's world and we get a first hand look on what it's like for her to be separated from Daniel after thinking that they would be able to be together. After the drama at Sword & Cross, Luce needs to be hidden or there won't be a Luce and Daniel anymore. Luce's life, this time around, is different; there aren't any second chances and as much as Daniel would like to keep Luce with him it would be the worst thing that he could do. The Outcasts are searching for Luce and Luce is doing her best to keep herself occupied at her new hiding place at Shoreline. Shoreline is the exact opposite of Sword & Cross, it's alive and well the students are bit more civil and less convict. At Shoreline Luce begins to learn more about her past lives with Daniel and a bit more about the inky shadows that lurk about the forest surrounding Shoreline.  In all the commotion of being uprooted from Daniel, Luce decides to do things her own way and leaves the Shoreline campus searching for information about her past, but in knowledge Luce brings danger upon herself and her friends at the Shoreline campus. By the end of the novel, your fingers are crossed for Daniel and Luce, are they really meant to be together or is this whole business of fallen angels too much for their relationship to survive again?

I thoroughly enjoyed this read and cannot wait until the third book of the series is released; I love a good cliff hanger and Torment definitely left me hanging. As I said before, if you love YA Dark Romance novels, this is definitely a book you need to check out if you haven't already.

Interested in reading Torment? Already read the first book of the series, Fallen? Check it out here: Torment (Fallen)

Happy reading! Oh, and Happy Halloween.

P.S. - Follow Lauren Kate on Twitter @laurenkatebooks

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