Saturday, July 10, 2010

Breathe Easy Saturday

Here we are again at another Breathe Easy Saturday; pardon my absence with this from last week, but it was a holiday weekend, after all, and I was doing a ton of stuff before we went away to visit family. However, I'm back this week with my ramblings and of course another song to add to your day.

I'm up bright and early on this wonderful Saturday to ramble a bit, as usual - so on to it. So this morning while in the shower (were I do my best thinking, of course) I was thinking about how hectic a week can get and how we can lose sight of the fact that there should always be a day where you are able to just kick back relax, veg out, and not think about overly stressful things for a while. What's the point? You've been stressing all week and if you don't want premature gray hairs, you'll give yourself a break, find something mindless to watch and just enjoy your day NOT thinking about what's been breaking your back all week.

Just my thoughts on things, so take my advice (I think it's pretty great if you ask me) and enjoy yourself today. Whether it be with family, with a significant other, or just going outside to bake in the sun for a bit; whatever floats your boat.

And a song for this stress free day would have to be:

Interested in adding this to your playlist? Check it out here: Three Little Birds by Bob Marley.

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